This is evidence-based nursing practice, the systematic approach in delivering quality patient care within the realms of best research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient preferences. As such, nurses are in a position to make informed decisions; offer effective care, and continually enhance patient outcomes. The foundation guidelines for such evidence-based nursing practice include the adoption of best practices, its strategy on clinical decision-making, and its inputting of research in actual nursing care.
Fundamentally, the EBP approach fosters commitment to the use of valid research in guiding clinical practice. Ideally, nurses are motivated and updated on the latest related studies, guidelines, as well as developments in their field of specialty. Thus, they can include new evidence into their practice to eventually bring about more effective treatments and better patient outcomes. EBP is a cycle involving questioning of the practice one has, then review existing literature that leads to making a change in practice based on the findings resulting from evidence. Therefore, care in nursing will be both current, effective, and responsive to new scientific developments about medical science.
Evidence-based nursing practice further fosters clinical decision-making skills through providing a framework of structured information to be applied and critically evaluated. Nurses evaluate research based on study design, sample size and to what level the study relates to their patients. It enables nurses to make quality evidence-based decisions that cater to specific needs of an individual patient. Moreover, EBP allows nurses to involve their patient in every decision related to their care hence, a multi-disciplinary approach that allows patients' preferences and values are given a chance. Patient-centered approach is the most evident perspective of high-quality care that has resulted in higher fulfillment and compliance by practice.
Resource and support access is the inherent feature of implementing EBP among nurses. Apart from the chances to provide education, most health care organizations provide access to medical databases and journals in order to promote EBP. Nurses also could be part of interdisciplinary teams, enroll in professional development and conferences that bring them information related to the latest trends in nursing and health care research. Such continuous culture of learning and improvement will enhance the skills, which in turn would lead to better patient outcomes, thus advancing the profession of a nurse.
This session will discuss the best practices regarding the implementation of evidence-based nursing. These include assessments of quality in research, strategies for implementing evidence-based practice in the clinical environment, and approaches to overcoming common barriers that might be expected. The guidelines make it possible for nurses to provide safe, effective care grounded in the best available evidence, which will lead to better outcomes and higher standards of practice.
These guidelines are very helpful to an out-patient nurse dedicated to the excellence of care and indeed supportive of the effort to inculcate a culture of evidence-based practice.