Nursing education is a backbone for every dependable health care system. This serves to educate the nurse to be knowledgeable and skilled in accomplishing everything that defines a professional: efficiency and world-class care for the patients.
This session is a general discussion on the history of nursing education, from the challenge it has encountered and changes that formed the curriculum of the modern nurse.
Curriculum development based on changing demands in health care is one important domain in nursing education. The educator's role is student orientation to new medical knowledge, technologies, and techniques. Integration of evidence-based practice has been into simulation training, critical case analysis, and hands-on activities within the clinical setup-the gap between learning and application minimized. Nursing students are motivated to learn with others and with multidisciplinary training, exactly like in the current team-based health care environment.
The teaching and learning approach in nursing has significantly changed from the earlier lecture methods of teaching and had transitioned to more the students' centeredness and interactive approaches of learning. Online web-based environments, virtual simulation, and blended models of learning allow the student to follow his or her subject and develop his or her skills in a controlled and flexible environment. Keeping abreast of the new developments in teaching is therefore very crucial for nurse educators because it helps them to foster critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and problem-solving abilities among nursing students. Precept and continuing assessment are important components that guide the student all along their academic journey and give them feedback leading to success.
In this session, we will discuss the principles guiding the nurse educators in ways that make a difference in teaching and support students' success. Some areas for discussion are the role of cultural competence in nursing education, methods by which competencies may be measured and assessed, and how technology can be appropriately used for integration into nursing classrooms. Best practice strategies for promoting a learning environment in which professionals are developed and lifelong learning is encouraged also will be discussed with nurse educators.
Healthcare continues to evolve and change, and education for nurses will be easily adapted in response. Existing policies and creative educational practice will allow the nurse educator to impact the future of the nursing profession. Policies lead to a structure for excellent nursing education, pleasing many customers: students, healthcare organizations, and patients.